
Holds my course work for ZTM Complete SQL and Database Bootcamp [2021]

Key Terms

  1. Declarative - States what will happen

  2. Imperative - States how it will happen

  3. File Processing Systems - Precessors to DB, data will be saved in individual files and files don't have any relationship

  4. Database Model - Hierarchial, Networking, Entity-Relationship, Relational, Object Oriented, flat, Semi-structured

  5. Hierarchial Database Model - Contains data in form of parent child models with tree structure. Data is tightly coupled, i.e. when parent is removed all its children will be removed. It supports one to man relationship (One parent to many children) Eg:- XML

  6. Networking Database Model - It expands hierarchical model by providing many to many relationships. Parent can have many children and children can have more than one parent.

  7. Tables - Representation of Database Object. Each Table has a name. Each Column represent specific type of data. Rows represent one single representation of the data.

  8. OLTP - Online Transaction Processing (Store & Categories data in RDB)

  9. OLAP - Online Analytical Processing (Data in data warehouse and analysis) Resource

  10. A playground for SQL - www.db-fiddle.com

  11. SQL Exercises - W3Schools

  12. SQL starter quiz - https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/1336712/sql-starter-quiz

SQL Query



SELECT - Retreieve Data