
A repo to hold code while learning Go language

Primary LanguageGo


A repo to hold code while learning Go language

  1. How to accomaodate large values?
    Use "math/big" library
    Blog | Video Explanation

  2. Set - Ordered & unordered set implementation

  3. Linked list - implementation

  4. Graph - implementation

  5. Tree - implementation

  6. make keyword and its working

  7. Defining struct with methods

  8. JSON package

  9. text/template package

  10. Type assertions / Type Switch / Generics

  11. Error Handling / Exception Handling (panic, recover)

  12. Creating & consuming packages

  13. Web Interface

  14. REST API with golang

  15. Why go doesn't have classes?

  16. error default type & its functions

  17. Co-routines

  18. Concurrency

  19. Channels / Channel Select

  20. Mutex/RWMutex

  21. Interface vs Struct

  22. Interfaces are implemented implicitly

  23. Built-in Stringer & Error interfaces

  24. Iota

  25. Parsing path, Tab based auto-fill

  26. Regex

  27. Use of `` backticks in golang

  28. io.Reader

  29. time, rand, context, fmt, math, log, encoding/json, os, bufio, strconv


  1. Defer, Panic, and Recover - https://go.dev/blog/defer-panic-and-recover
  2. Polymorphism in Go - https://golangbot.com/polymorphism/
  3. Packages in Go - https://youtu.be/sf7f4QGkwfE


  1. golang.org
  2. go.dev
  3. amazon.com
  4. golang dojo Youtube
  5. gophercise
  6. golang cafe
  7. https://golangcookbook.com/
  8. https://tour.golang.org

Backend Development


To look into

Pointers - Unsafe Cgolang modules external packages array sorting ordered map producer, consumer - multithreading Accessing multithreads String to long & vice-versa, type conversions Plugin consumption