
Following a tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-S5a0eXPoc) to practice React Native skills

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This code is my work, but done by following a tutorial at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-S5a0eXPoc

Things I've Learned


  • Debug code using Chrome Developer Tools
    • Shake physical device or ctrl-m on emulator to launch developer menu
    • Enable Remote JS Debugging
    • ctrl-shift-j to open Developer Tools
    • Go to sources tab, pause on caught exceptions
    • Disable Remote JS Debugging when done
  • Debug code within VSCode
    • Go to launch.json and add a new configuration
    • Change port number for VSCode
      • Go to Preferences and then Settings.
      • Look up react-native.package.port and change to the one that is shown by localhost
    • Close the Chrome Developer Tools window if it's open.
      • You can either be debugging with Chrome Developer Tools or VSCode, not both at the same time
    • Reload Expo
    • When done debugging, disconnect from app and reload.
    • Disable Remote JS Debugging when done


  • Publish from Metro Bundler
    • Click Publish or Republish project...
      • This will start asking you questions
        • Name: name found in app.json
        • Slug: slug found in app.json, eventually becomes part of the expo URL
        • GitHub Source URL: githubUrl found in app.jsonoptional, but self-explanatory
        • Description: description found in app.json, optional but self-explanatory
        • This may redirect you to the command line if you are not signed in to an Expo account.
    • Publishes your app to https://expo.io/@{username}/{slug}
  • Publish from command line
    • Does the same as above, but all in the command line


  • View
    • Most basic component in React Native
    • Functions like a div in HTML
  • Text
    • numberOfLines
      • Will truncate a really long line of text
      • Without this, Text will wrap around
    • onPress
      • Executes some function when the element is pressed
      • Can use single line function inline or an outside function
  • Image
    • source
      • Local images
        • Source is written using requires: source={require("[insert local path to image]]")}
        • React Native reads the metadata of the image to interpret the dimensions
      • Network images
        • Source is written using Object: source={{ width: 200, height: 300, uri: "[insert link to image]" }}
        • Need to manually list the dimensions
    • Props
      • blurRadius: radius of the blur filter to be added to the image
      • loadingIndicatorSource: will display a local image will the actual image is being downloaded
      • fadeDuration: fades in the image as it's loaded, only supported in Android
      • resizeMode: if your specified image dimensions don't match the expected dimensions
  • Touchable
    • TouchableWithoutFeedback
      • onPress
        • normal tap
      • onLongPress
        • long tap
    • TouchableOpacity
      • Same function as TouchableWithoutFeedback but changes the opacity of the image when touched, makes it lighter
    • TouchableHighlight
      • Same function as TouchableWithoutFeedback but highlights the image when touched, makes it darker
    • TouchableNativeFeedback
      • Only available on Android, gives error on iOS
      • Doesn't function well with images but does a cicle expanding thing when tapped on a View or something with a background
  • Button
    • Fairly straightforward
    • On iOS shows up as clickable text, on Android shows up as rectangular button
  • Alert
    • Not a component but is treated like an API (object with methods)
    • Creates an alert in the native OS
    • Alert.alert
      • Displays a method
    • Alert.prompt
      • Diplays a question which we get an answer from, only works on iOS
  • Platform
    • Can detect what OS the device is running
    • Good for adjusting style (e.g. SafeAreaView only works on iOS
    • StatusBar
      • Can get us the height of the status bar as it varies from Android to Android
  • Styling
    • Not based on CSS
    • Using StyleSheet.create allows for validation checking for spelling mistakes and things
    • Can pass multiple style components, right-most one will override the left-most ones
    • Dimensions
      • Density-independent Pixels (DIPS)
        • Physical Pixels = DIPs x Scale Factor
        • So using exact numbers doesn't guarantee the same size across different devices
        • Can use percentages to express how much of the screen we wish to cover (e.g. width: '50%')
      • Dimensions API
        • Dimensions.get("window" or "screen")
          • screen returns the size of the screen, window returns the size of the app window
          • both are same on iOS, window is smaller than screen on Android (StatusBar)
        • Doesn't get updated when the orientation changes
    • react-native-community/hooks
      • Outside library to interpret screen orientation
        • useDimensions: gets the dimensions of the screen and updates on orientation change
        • useDeviceOrientation: returns true/false for portrait vs landscape
    • Make sure you don't place elements where they could be covered by the iPhone notch
      • Import and use SafeAreaView in place of View
        • Adds a bit of padding at the top so content isn't covered up by the notch
    • flex: when set to 1, means that the view is flexible and will grow both horizontally and vertically to fit the free space
      • Can nest flex components and they will grow to fit the outer component
      • By default components are aligned vertically
        • Set flexDirection to "row" to align horizontally
          • Primary access is across the phone, cross axis is up and down
        • Set flexDirection to "row-reverse" to align horizontally from right
        • Set flexDirection to "column-reverse" to align vertically from the bottom
    • backgroundColor: the background color, can be set using RGB values like in web apps or named colors
    • justifyContent: justifies content along whatever is the main axis
    • alignItems: justifies content along whatever is the cross axis
      • alignSelf: align just the item
    • flexWrap: causes the items to wrap around
      • Causes alignItems to operate per line
      • Using alignContent will align all content along the cross axis
    • flexBasis: sets size of an item along the primary axis
    • flexGrow: same as setting flex
    • flexShrink: the opposite of flexGrow, tells code this property can be shrunk if necessary, also same as setting flex to a negative value
    • position: position is by default relative, so it doesn't affect any other component, can be set to absolute, and it moves relative to the parent component

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Multi-cursor Editing: ctrl-d when highlighting text lets you edit all the instances of that text at once
  • Move blocks of code up/down: alt-[up arrow/down arrow] after highlighting text lets you move that text up or down
  • Duplicate code blocks: shift-alt-down arrow after highlighting text duplicates the text below it
  • Show all options for code: ctrl-space will bring up a menu of all available things you can type there