
Streamlit based web application which uses python and snowflake to display the status of the citibike station in the NY region.

The dataset which was used in here:

How to contribute

  • Don't forget to ⭐ the repository!
  • We will be editing the code in GitHub itself so need to clone it locally all you have to do is:
  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Store this secrets on clipboard or any file.
user = "snowflakedemo"
password = "Snowflake@123"
account = "" 
warehouse = "compute_wh"
database = "citibike" 
schema = "public"
  1. You can do run Streamlit app on your local machine or Streamlit Cloud

    • Local machine
      • Install dependencies and streamlit framework
         pip install streamlit
         pip install -r requirements.txt
      • Create new file under .streamlit/secrets.toml and paste the given text from step 2
      • Run streamlit app
         streamlit run
    • Streamlit Cloud
      • Go to and sign-in if you have an account or create a new one (Always choose github sign in)
      • Create a new app on streamlit and select the forked repository and let the main file path remain the as the same!
      • Now click on Advanced settings and paste the given text from step 2 into secrets.
      • Press Deploy and wait for streamlit project provision
  2. After deploying you can make changes in file in github itself by editting and commiting.

  3. Create a PR when done. 😄 Happy contributing!!!