
For retrieving data from the ORCID API and crosswalking to VIVO-ISF.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tool for retrieving data from the ORCID API and crosswalking to VIVO-ISF.

[Build status]

Try it at http://gw-orcid2vivo.wrlc.org/orcid2vivo

##Installation With python/pip installed:

pip install orcid2vivo


  • Supports outputting to:
    • screen / stdout
    • file
    • load to VIVO instance (via SPARQL Update)
  • Supports multiple RDF serializations.
  • Allows specifying:
    • VIVO namespace
    • An id or URI for the person.
    • Class for the person.
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo.py -h
usage: orcid2vivo.py [-h] [--format {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix}]
                     [--file FILE] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--username USERNAME]
                     [--password PASSWORD] [--person-id PERSON_ID]
                     [--person-uri PERSON_URI] [--namespace NAMESPACE]
                     [--person-class {FacultyMember,FacultyMemberEmeritus,Librarian,LibrarianEmeritus,NonAcademic,NonFacultyAcademic,ProfessorEmeritus,Student}]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix}
                        The RDF format for serializing. Default is turtle.
  --file FILE           Filepath to which to serialize.
  --endpoint ENDPOINT   Endpoint for SPARQL Update of VIVO instance,e.g.,
                        http://localhost/vivo/api/sparqlUpdate. Also provide
                        --username and --password.
  --username USERNAME   Username for VIVO root.
  --password PASSWORD   Password for VIVO root.
  --person-id PERSON_ID
                        Id for the person to use when constructing the
                        person's URI. If not provided, the orcid id will be
  --person-uri PERSON_URI
                        A URI for the person. If not provided, one will be
                        created from the orcid id or person id.
  --namespace NAMESPACE
                        VIVO namespace. Default is
  --person-class {FacultyMember,FacultyMemberEmeritus,Librarian,LibrarianEmeritus,NonAcademic,NonFacultyAcademic,ProfessorEmeritus,Student}
                        Class (in VIVO Core ontology) for a person. Default is
                        a FOAF Person.
  --skip-person         Skip adding triples declaring the person and the
                        person's name.

For example:

(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo.py 0000-0003-1527-0030

Web application

  • Supports outputting to:
    • web page
    • download
    • load to VIVO instance (via SPARQL Update)
  • Also supports outputting of ORCID profile to web page.
  • Can be invoked from web form and http client.
  • Supports multiple RDF serializations.
  • Allows specifying:
    • VIVO namespace
    • An id or URI for the person.
    • Class for the person.
  • Allows providing various default values when starting the application.
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo_service.py -h
usage: orcid2vivo_service.py [-h]
                             [--format {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix}]
                             [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--username USERNAME]
                             [--password PASSWORD] [--namespace NAMESPACE]
                             [--person-class {FacultyMember,FacultyMemberEmeritus,Librarian,LibrarianEmeritus,NonAcademic,NonFacultyAcademic,ProfessorEmeritus,Student}]
                             [--skip-person] [--debug] [--port PORT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix}
                        The RDF format for serializing. Default is turtle.
  --endpoint ENDPOINT   Endpoint for SPARQL Update of VIVO instance,e.g.,
  --username USERNAME   Username for VIVO root.
  --password PASSWORD   Password for VIVO root.
  --namespace NAMESPACE
                        VIVO namespace. Default is
  --person-class {FacultyMember,FacultyMemberEmeritus,Librarian,LibrarianEmeritus,NonAcademic,NonFacultyAcademic,ProfessorEmeritus,Student}
                        Class (in VIVO Core ontology) for a person. Default is
                        a FOAF Person.
  --skip-person         Skip adding triples declaring the person and the
                        person's name.
  --port PORT           The port the service should run on. Default is 5000.

For example, to start:

(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo_service.py

The web form will now be available at http://localhost:5000/.

Invoke using curl

GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ curl --data "orcid_id=0000-0003-1527-0030&format=turtle" http://localhost:5000/


The web application can be deployed to a Docker container.

GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ docker build -t orcid2vivo .
GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ docker run -e "O2V_ENDPOINT=http://vivo:8080/vivo/api/sparqlUpdate" -e "O2V_USERNAME=vivo_root@mydomain.edu" -e "O2V_PASSWORD=password" -e "O2V_NAMESPACE=http://vivo.mydomain.edu/" -p "5000:5000" -d orcid2vivo

The web form will now be available at http://localhost:5000/. (Note: If using boot2docker, use result of boot2docker ip instead of localhost.)

Bulk loading

  • Supports loading to VIVO instance (via SPARQL Update) for multiple people.
  • Provides database to record a list of:
    • Orcid id for the person
    • Last load
    • Active flag
    • Id for the person
    • URI for the person
    • Class for the person
  • Also allows specifying:
    • VIVO namespace
    • Whether to skip creating records for a person.
  • Invoked with command line interface.
  • Maintains store of complete RDF for a person.
  • All loads are incremental, as determined by comparing the stored RDF for a person against the generated RDF.

The general workflow would be:

  1. Add records to the database.
  2. Periodically perform a load, possibly limiting the load by a last load cutoff or a number limit.
  3. As necessary, update the database by adding or deleting (i.e., de-activating) orcid id records.
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo_loader.py -h
usage: orcid2vivo_loader.py [-h] [--debug]
                            {add,delete,delete-all,load,list} ...

positional arguments:
    add                 Adds or updates orcid id record. If inactive, marks
    delete              Marks an orcid id record as inactive so that it will
                        not be loaded.
    delete-all          Marks all orcid id records as inactive.
    load                Fetches orcid profiles, crosswalks to VIVO-ISF, loads
                        to VIVO instance, and updates orcid id record. If
                        loading multiple orcid ids, loads in least recent
    list                Lists orcid_id records in the db.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

For example:

(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo_loader.py add 0000-0003-1527-0030
Adding 0000-0003-1527-0030
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo_loader.py list
0000-0003-1527-0030 [active=true; last_update=None; person_uri=None; person_id=None, person_class=None]
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python orcid2vivo_loader.py load vivo_root@gwu.edu http://vivo.gwu.edu --password password
Loading to
Loaded: 0000-0003-1527-0030


GLSS-F0G5RP:orcid2vivo justinlittman$ python -m unittest discover

##Strategies for generating URIs and/or creating entities Approaches to generating URIs and creating entities (e.g., journals or co-authors) are abstracted into strategies. Default strategies are provided, but they can be replaced with other strategies is necessary to meet local requirements.

The strategy for generating URIs is provided by a class that has the following method:

    def to_uri(self, clazz, attrs, general_clazz=None):
        Given an RDF class and a set of attributes for an entity, produce a URI.
        :param clazz: the class of the entity.
        :param attrs: a map of identifying attributes for an entity.
        :param general_clazz: a superclass of the entity that can be used to group like entities.
        :return: URI for the entity.

The strategy for creating entities is provided by a class that has the following method:

    def should_create(self, clazz, uri):
        Determine whether an entity should be created.
        :param clazz: Class of the entity.
        :param uri: URI of the entity.
        :return: True if the entity should be created.

It may be desirable to skip creating entities if those entities already exist in the triple store. For example, this shows the triples when the journal is created:

d:academicarticle-df4d61373e64c72681d74829ea92071a vivo:hasPublicationVenue d:journal-65a2d6d4d80fdbbd78268bf4e814ee01 ;

d:journal-65a2d6d4d80fdbbd78268bf4e814ee01 a bibo:Journal ;
    rdfs:label "D-Lib Magazine" ;
    bibo:issn "1082-9873" .

and this shows the triples when it is not created:

d:academicarticle-df4d61373e64c72681d74829ea92071a vivo:hasPublicationVenue d:journal-65a2d6d4d80fdbbd78268bf4e814ee01 ;

Depending on the strategies to be implemented, it may be a useful approach to combine both strategies into a single class.


  • All data is not cross walked to VIVO-ISF.
  • Password for SPARQL Update is not handled securely.


  • Feedback / tickets / pull requests welcome.
  • Consider using with vivo-docker to put together an environment for experimenting with crosswalking ORCID to VIVO.