
A simple angular 2+ directive based on HTML 5 native drag drop API

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple angular 2+ directive based on HTML 5 native drag drop API


Please check the project page https://codesandbox.io/s/github/ramyhhh/angular-dragdrop

Make element draggable

Just add drag directive

<div drag >
	This div is now draggable

Enable dropping on elemet

Just add drop directive, and handle dropped event

<div drop (dropped)="onDropped($event)">
	This div is now draggable

Working with state

It is useful to wrap objects inside the drag drop event and help in working the application state, and understand how it is connected to the drag drop behaviour. Just bind the the drag directive with the targeted object, additional you can transfer another object by binding into drag-collection You can also bind to the drop directive and the drop-collection as well

<div *ngFor="let item of items" [drag]="item" [drag-collection]="items" >{{item.name}}</div>

Automatic state manipulation (Add/remove items of array)

It's not recommended to allow state to be mutatid in this fation, but sometimes being lazy is being happy, to automaticly remove item from array. To do that just bind the item to the drag directive and, bind the array that you want to manipulate to drag-collection directive, and set drag-out to true. This will cause the item to be remved from the collection when dragged out.

<div *ngFor="let item of items" [drag]="item" [drag-collection]="items" drag-out="true" >{{item.name}}</div>

To automaticly insert item to collection by dropping it in, bind to drag and drop and drop-collection and set drop-in to true

<div *ngFor="let item of items" [drag]="item" [drag-collection]="items" drag-out="true" >{{item.name}}</div>
<div *ngFor="let item of items" [drop]="item" [drop-collection]="items" drop-in="true" >{{item.name}}</div>

Make array sortable by drag & drop

Just bind the drag and drop directives together, and the respictive collections:

<div *ngFor="let item of items" 
	[drag]="item" [drag-collection]="items" drag-out="true" 
	[drop]="item" [drop-collection]="items" drop-in="true" >

Drag tag (Know what is being dragged/dropped)

You can bind to drag-tag and check the tag from within the drag drop event, which is very usefull in telling the drop handler extra information about the drag source.

<div *ngFor="let item of items" [drag]="item" drag-tag="tag" >{{item.name}}</div>

Tag use case

Imagine you have a drop target and many drag sources in your application page, the drop target supposed only to accept certain items to be dropped in, in order for the drop target to tell what item being dropped the tag is the best way to do it. Of course you can check for specific properties or types of the item being dropped, but sometimes it's the same item same type but just a different drag source.

Drag drop styling

Classes are added and removed by default to element being dragged, and element being dragged over, the follwing style will make it clear

[drag],[ng-reflect-drag] {
  cursor: pointer;

[drop],[ng-reflect-drop] {
  border: solid 1px #ccc;
  padding: 10px;
.dragging { opacity: 0.5; border: dotted 2px #ccc }
.drag-over { border: dashed 2px #ccc; }

Drag drop files (ex: Upload box)

Just set drop-files to tru

<div drop drop-files="true" (dropped)="onDrop($event)">

Getting started

Go to project page [https://codesandbox.io/s/github/ramyhhh/angular-dragdrop], and copy dd.ts to your project, and make sure to declare the directives within you ngModule. Just set drop-files to tru

  declarations: [...,DragDirective,DropDirective]

and that's it , sorry for not packing with npm, maybe later :)