
nuxt landing page for cosine

Primary LanguageVue


Building from scratch:

Build Boilerplate for Nuxt.js + Vuetify.js project

vue-cli ...

Generate layout page: layout/default.vue pages/index.vue

Add page content: mission expertise contact projects home

Add style sheets: assets/style

Add style sheets to nuxt.config.js

install node_modules

$ npm install $ npm install -D pug pug-plain-loader sass sass-loader

serve with hot reload at localhost:3000

$ npm run dev


build for production and launch server

$ npm run build $ npm start

generate static project

$ npm run generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the [Nuxt.js](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js) and [Vuetify.js](https://vuetifyjs.com/) documentation.