
Actually some times i forget the syntax or uses it's really painful for me to search over google and see documentation again again what's why i put some uses of eloquent query what i need for project :)

Laravel Eloquent Query CheatSheet

SELECT your table columns in different way

You can use any type of method to select table columns for your expected result.

$user = User::query();
$user->select('`name` as another_name','age','onanno');
$user->select(['name','age','onanno',DB::raw('count(*) as user_count')]);
$user->selectRaw("`age` * ?",[2]);

Writing where clause

Boost up your query writing skill with eloquent to know different type of use of where clause

$model = Model::where('age',20); // where age = 20
$model->where(age,'<',20); // where age < 20
    ['status' ,'=','active'],
    ['age' ,'<',20],


$model->whereStatus('active'); // where `status` = 'active'

$model->whereRaw("`col1` * `col2` > ?",[100]);
$model->whereRaw(DB::raw("`COL` IN (SELECT `Y1` FROM `Y` GROUP BY `Y`)"));

    ->whereRaw('something.user_id = another.id');
    ->whereRaw('something.user_id = another.id');




$model->whereIsNull('status'); // where status is null
$model->whereIsNotNull('status'); // where status is null

// Another whereHas for relational model

join your model with whatever you want

Don't be stress to join with a model to another table,model,query query builder gives us opportunity to do different types of joining.

$model = Model::query();
$model->join(DB::raw("(SELECT * FROM omuk where tomuk IS NULL) O"),function($q){

Use of Ordering, Grouping, Limit, Offset

$query = Model::query();
$query->orderByRaw("(column1 - column3) asc, column2 desc");
$query->latest(); // 'created_at asc'
$query->oldest(); // 'created_at desc'
$query->inRandomOrder(); // random result


$query->skip(5); // skip and take both 
$query->offset(5); // offset and limit both