
Wordpress social plugin

Primary LanguagePHP


Contributors: ranacseruet Donate link: http://codesamplez.com/ Tags: facebook, plugin, like button, google+ button, facebook popup box Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: trunk

Very Simple light weight plugin to integrate facebook like and google+ button on every post and facebook popup likebox


This plugin will allow you to add a facebook like button and google+ button to each of your post, just before the post contents. They are styled float on left part. Thus shown closely with the contents, which it the conversion rate a lot higher. Moreove, as they being one click action button, users tends to use them more then the share buttons. This have a simple administration which facilitates to disable/enable the buttons as per your own will.

Another feature is facebook popup box. When user load your website it will show your facebook page with popup box. You can set the popup delay time(by default it is 2sec) from administration area. You should check the show popup box field and give your facebook page on settings area.

I am looking forward if you want some more customization feature on it. Just let me know.Thanks.

My Website: codesamplez.com

Me On Twitter: ranacseruet


  1. Upload like-fb folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go To your wordpress administration area and use "Settings"->"Like FB" menu option to customize the settings.
  4. Good Luck :)



  • New Extended facebook bubble box one-click button.
  • Show only before post content.(to show below content, I recommend for 'jetpack social share' plugin).
  • Added Google+ bubble box one-click button.
  • added administration area with simple settings to disable/enable buttons.