
Architectural components android example github browser

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Architectural components android example github browser

Github browser based on architectural components - MVVM, ViewModel, RX 2.x, Room implemented in Java and Kotlin


  • Java 8
  • Android SDK
  • Gradle


Build tool is gradle


Run ./gradlew assemble

Run unit tests

Run ./gradlew test

Run ui tests

Run ./gradlew connectedCheck

Run lint

Run ./gradlew lint

Run all development tests

This will run lintDevelopmentDebug, testDevelopmentDebugUnitTestCoverage and connectedDevelopmentDebugAndroidTest

You can find the outputs here:

  • for the lint ./app/build/reports/lint-results-developmentDebug.html
  • for the unit test coverage ./app/build/reports/jacoco/testDevelopmentDebugUnitTestCoverage/html/index.html
  • for the unit test summary ./app/build/reports/tests/testDevelopmentDebugUnitTest/index.html
  • for the connected tests summary ./app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/flavors/DEVELOPMENT/index.html

Run ./gradlew devTests