This project use genetic algorithm to solve the facility location problem in matlab.
The problem and the model is describled in file 'Problem&Model.pdf';
And the parametres settings are shown as follows:
The following parametres are setting in file 'run.m'
% population_size: the size of population_size
% chromosome_size: the size of chromosome_size()
% generation_size: the size of generation
% cross_rate: the rate of cross
% mutate_rate: the rate of mutation
% elitism: =1:Elite choose =0:No elite choose
% Distance: The distance between any two positions
% TravelTime: The time of travelling between any two positions
% Flow: The flow between any two positions
% FixedHubCost: The cost of fixxing hub in every position
The following parametres are setting in file 'fitness.m'
% distance_con:the ratio of the cost of unit distance in hub-to-hub and the cost of unit distance in hub-to-nonhub
% HubToHub_con:α
% Time_con:β
The specific instructions for genetic algorithm can be found in "Instuctions of Genetic Algorithm"