
This project use genetic algorithm to solve the facility location problem in matlab.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This project use genetic algorithm to solve the facility location problem in matlab.

The problem and the model is describled in file 'Problem&Model.pdf';

And the parametres settings are shown as follows:

The following parametres are setting in file 'run.m'

% population_size: the size of population_size

% chromosome_size: the size of chromosome_size()

% generation_size: the size of generation

% cross_rate: the rate of cross

% mutate_rate: the rate of mutation

% elitism: =1:Elite choose =0:No elite choose

% Distance: The distance between any two positions

% TravelTime: The time of travelling between any two positions

% Flow: The flow between any two positions

% FixedHubCost: The cost of fixxing hub in every position

The following parametres are setting in file 'fitness.m'

% distance_con:the ratio of the cost of unit distance in hub-to-hub and the cost of unit distance in hub-to-nonhub

% HubToHub_con

% Time_con

The specific instructions for genetic algorithm can be found in "Instuctions of Genetic Algorithm"