
Display relative date strings from NSDate objects similar to the times in GitHub commits

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


An Objective-C category to calculate relative time spans between an NSDate object and the current date.

The result is simmilar to the commit times of GitHub, e.g. 2 hours ago.


Just drop the files NSDate+PrettyDate.m and NSDate+PrettyDate.h in your project. If you like, you can also put the german translation folder de.lproj in your project.



#import "NSDate+PrettyDate.h"

- (void) viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-3615];

    self.label.text = [date prettyDate]; // results "1 hour ago"
    //self.label.text = [date prettyDate2]; // results "1 hour ago and 15 seconds ago"


To localize the resulting strings, do the following steps:

  1. Add a file Localizable.strings to your project. (File>New>File... Resources>Strings File)

  2. Add the desired language to your project (Click on Project>Localizations> +)

  3. Click on the Localizable.strings file, click Localize in the File inspector.

  4. Add the following contents:

    // PrettyDate
    "future date"    = "zukünftiges Datum";
    "just now"       = "in diesem Moment";
    "a minute ago"   = "vor einer Minute";
    "last hour"      = "letzte Stunde";
    "yesterday"      = "gestern";
    "last week"      = "letzte Woche";
    "last month"     = "letzten Monat";
    "last year"      = "letztes Jahr";
    "%d seconds ago" = "vor %d Sekunden";
    "%d minutes ago" = "vor %d Minuten";
    "%d hours ago"   = "vor %d Stunden";
    "%d days ago"    = "Vor %d Tagen";
    "%d weeks ago"   = "vor %d Wochen";
    "%d months ago"  = "vor %d Monaten";
    "%d years ago"   = "vor %d Jahren";
    // PrettyDate2
    "%d seconds ago ..."            = "vor %d Sekunden ...";
    "a few seconds ago"             = "vor ein paar Sekunden";
    "%d minutes and %d seconds ago" = "vor %d Minuten und %d Sekunden";
    "one minute and %d seconds ago" = "vor einer Minute und %d Sekunden";
    "%d hours and %d minutes ago"   = "vor %d Stunden und %d Minuten";
    "one hour and %d minutes ago"   = "vor einer Stunde und %d Minuten";
    "%d days and %d hours ago"      = "vor %d Tagen und %d Stunden";
    "one day and %d hours ago"      = "vor einem Tag und %d Stunden";
    "%d weeks and %d days ago"      = "vor %d Wochen und %d Tagen";
    "one week and %d days ago"      = "vor einer Woche und %d Tagen";
    "%d months and %d days ago"     = "vor %d Monaten und %d Tagen";
    "one month and %d days ago"     = "vor einem Monat und %d Tagen";
    "%d years and %d months ago"    = "vor %d Jahren und %d Monaten";
    "one year and %d months ago"    = "vor einem Jahr und %d Monaten";


The german translation is already included in the NSDate+PrettyDate Project.

Demo Style 1




Demo Style 2





MIT. do what you want.


0.1 - 2013-05-24

  • ramonski#1: Input: some date in future, output: "just now"
    Handle future dates correctly. Thanks to nrgbodya
  • fixed unittests and documentation