In Decmber 2017 FLO went through a rebrand and got a new logo and website (http://flo.cash).
All rebrand graphics can be found here. Below are some of the most ubiquitous rebrand graphics.
New coin logo
FLO Pulse
Twitter icon
FLO Pulse Style Guide
Two gradient colors: (new) #F85D28 orange #F80000 red
(original) #FF6029 orange #FF0000 red With brightness -9
Orange goes on top
Lightblue icon
Previous Florincoin graphics (before the rebrand)
Before the rebrand these graphics were used for Florincoin(FLO):
Yellow and blue badge
Flat icon
Find files that aren't PSD'd yet
find . -regex '\(.*xcf\|.*psd\)$' | cut -d '.' -f 2 | uniq | awk '{print "."$1".xcf"}'
find . -regex '\(.*xcf\|.*psd\)$' | cut -d '.' -f 2 | sort | uniq -u | awk '{print "."$1".xcf"}'
Convert to psd
convert *.xcf *.psd