
C++ Implementation of A Linear Algebra Library

Primary LanguageC++


C++ Implementation of A Linear Algebra Library

Table of contents


This library contains a basic implementation of three different classes on the real numbers domain: Polynomial, Vector and Matrix. Here, a brief overview of the functionalities for each kind of object is provided. To have a more precise idea of all the available methods just have a look to the header file linalg.hpp.

  • Polynomial

    • basic algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
    • evaluation in a specific point
    • evaluation of the derivative in a specific point
    • computation of the zeros (if all real)
  • Vector

    • basic algebraic operations (addition, subtraction)
    • multiplication by a scalar
    • Hadamard product (element-wise)
    • dot product
    • outer product
    • computation of the Lp norm (default: L2)
    • projection onto another Vector
  • Matrix

    • basic algebraic operations (addition, subtraction)
    • multiplication by a scalar
    • matrix multiplication
    • computation of the norm (L2, nuclear, default: Frobenius)
    • transposition
    • gaussian elimination
    • inversion
    • determination of the rank
    • computation of the trace
    • computation of the determinant by different methods (Laplace, default: Gauss)
    • eigendecomposition (only for symmetric matrices)
    • singular values decomposition (SVD) for rectangular matrices
    • QR decomposition
    • Cholesky decomposition for positive definite matrices
    • LU decomposition
    • computation of the characteristic Polynomial
  • Others

    • dot product between Matrix and Vector
    • Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization
    • 1D convolution between vectors
    • 2D convolution between matrices


First of all, you have to clone the repository and change directory:

git clone https://github.com/ryandoren/Linalg.git
cd linalg

Then, you can easily build the linalg library (on Linux system only) using CMake:

cmake .

Finally, you can run as an example the executable example.out simply typing:
