
A simple & customizable login bonus plugin for Minecraft!

Primary LanguageJava


Simple & configurable login bonus plugin for Bukkit on Minecraft 1.12!


    description: Controls the LoginBonus plugin.
    usage: /<command> <argument>


    description: Permission for all LoginBonus commands.

LoginBonus on GitHub: https://github.com/randallarms/loginbonus

Do you want to help us improve this plugin? You can! Everyone welcome to contribute on GitHub by utilizing the Flow to branch their own version, make changes (commits), and submit their changes as a "pull request" to be considered for merging with the master file.

Please feel free to voice criticism to better the project, as well. Got a problem? Bug, glitch, complaint? Visit the Issues page and let me know, please: https://github.com/randallarms/loginbonus/issues