PHPMoves, a PHP library for the Moves App API based on PyMoves
Example Usage
$m = new Moves('client_id','client_secret','redirect_url');
Get a request token URL:
$request_url = $m->requestURL();
Open the Moves app and enter the PIN, then you will be redirected the url specified in for the app. The next step is to use the code to get and access token:
$access_token = $m->auth();
Validate an access token, returns false if revoked:
$valid = $m->validate_token($access_token);
If you have an access token you can make requests like:
$profile = $m->get_profile($access_token);
This will fetch all user info. Other requests are also build in, but beware of the range requests as they have a limit of 7 days.