
App using React.js to create a web replica of the popular 90's Japanese toy, "Tamagotchi".

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-End Development/React - 4.24.19

By Randee Layosa and Maly Phongsavanh

Dependencies License


This application uses React and Redux to create a web replica of the popular 90's Japanese toy, "Tamagotchi".


Original toy | Screenshot

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack
  • eslint
  • JSX

Setup/Installation Requirements

To open and view this project file:

  1. Clone this GitHub repository https://github.com/randeelayosa/tamagotchi.git to your Desktop.
  • Install git onto your computer if it isn't already.
  • To clone the project down to your desktop, open your Terminal, and enter the following commands:
cd desktop
git clone https://github.com/randeelayosa/tamagotchi.git
cd tamagotchi
atom .
npm install
npm run start
  • You can use another text editor if Atom is not your preferred program.
  • Make sure a "node_modules" and "dist" folder are created in your project file. If it hasn't, run npm install again.
  • You can then go to the link in step 1 above, or continue on to the following instructions to run the server.
  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/ in the browser of your choice. Note: The app will automatically reload if you edit any of the code in the source files.


Configuration/Dependencies Use
Babel JS transpiler
CSS-Loader, Style-Loader, Sass-Loader, Node-Sass styling
ESLint JS linter, checks code for errors
File-Loader, URL-Loader image loader
HTML-Webpack-Plugin loads HTML file
Jasmine, Karma for testing code
React JS Library
Webpack bundles/compiles code

Component Layout

Features Built and To Be Completed

  • Feeding function
  • Playing function
  • Resting function
  • Set time interval
  • Health inventory
  • Button functionality
  • Tamagotchi Egg styling
  • Add animations to player icon
  • Program has a Firebase database established
  • Program is deployed


  • src folder: files responsible for UI code and backend functionality
  • Integrate Firebase to add keep track of Add and Edit functionality


  • Program button functionality.
  • Add animations.


  • Delete unused dependencies in package.json and plugins in the config files
  • Ensure README includes all necessary language for instructions, bugs, and documentation


This software is licensed under MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2019 Randee Layosa and Maly Phongsavanh