
A continuation of an Angular project, repurposed with React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tap Room - React Build

Front End Development/React Week 1 and 2, Independent Project - Week 15 and 16, 4.19.19-4.26.19

By Randee Layosa

Dependencies License


This application is a repurpose of an in-class project previously written in Angular, now using the React library.


Technologies Used

  • React
  • Webpack
  • eslint
  • Sass
  • JSX

Setup/Installation Requirements

To open and view this project file:

  1. Or, clone this GitHub repository https://github.com/randeelayosa/tap-room-react.git to your Desktop.
  • Install git onto your computer if it isn't already.
  • To clone the project down to your desktop, open your Terminal, and enter the following commands:
cd desktop
git clone [paste link here]
cd [project folder name]
atom .
npm install
npm run start
  • You can use another text editor if Atom is not your preferred program.
  • Make sure a "node_modules" folder is created in your project file. If it hasn't, run npm install again.
  • You can then go to the link in step 1 above, or continue on to the following instructions to run the server.
  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/ in the browser of your choice. Note: The app will automatically reload if you edit any of the code in the source files.


Configuration/Dependencies Use
Babel JS transpiler
CSS-Loader, Style-Loader, Sass-Loader, Node-Sass styling
ESLint JS linter, checks code for errors
File-Loader, URL-Loader image loader
HTML-Webpack-Plugin loads HTML file
Jasmine, Karma for testing code
React JS Library
Webpack bundles/compiles code

Components and Routes Layout

Features Built and To Be Completed

  • Navigation bar
  • Component for list of beers
  • Component for admin to edit list of beers and information
  • Bar to show amount of beer in each keg
  • Admin page to allow staff to edit keg amounts and information
  • Page routing
  • Sass styling

Known Bugs

You will get an Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF' error if you are using a PC and run npm run lint. It does not break the code and will still run correctly when you run npm run start.


This software is licensed under MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2019 Randee Layosa