
Infrastructure as a code for AWS resources using cloudformation

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Infrastructure as a code for AWS resources using cloudformation


  • Setup AWS CLI
  • Configure credential in local environment for authentication using AWS CLI as shown below:
aws configure

Sample output:

AWS Access Key ID [*********************]: <access key>
AWS Secret Access Key [********************]: <secret key>
Default region name [ap-south-1]: <region name>
Default output format [None]:

VPC setup

Run below command from root folder(aws-infra) to create vpc stack:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ran --template-body file://vpc.yaml

Sample output:

    "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-south-1:<account-id>:stack/ran/0c7f7090-a0c6-11ec-be0d-028f52b83b4e"

Jenkins setup

Run below command from jenkins folder to provision Jenkins server:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name jenkins --template-body file://jenkins.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

For deleting, run below command:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name jenkins

EKS k8s setup

Create cluster:

eksctl create cluster -f k8s-cluster.yaml 

Delete cluster

eksctl delete cluster -f k8s-cluster.yaml

Verify nodes - kubectl command should work with "~/.kube/config", try below command to get node details:

kubectl get nodes