
This is a sample containerized fastapi python application - tested locally on minikube(kubernetes).



Start local kubernetes cluster(minikube) and verify

minikube start --driver=docker
minikube status
minikube addons enable metrics-server
minikube addons list
minikube dashboard

Create docker image and load into minikube

docker build -t helloimage:latest .
minikube image load helloimage:latest

helm related command for chart creation and deployment

helm create hello-service
helm install hello-service-release ./hello-service
helm upgrade hello-service-release ./hello-service
helm uninstall hello-service-release

Get the local deployment(minikube) URL and test it

minikube service hello-service-release --url

Useful commands for troubeshoooting

kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl logs <pod-name>
kubectl get services
kubectl describe service <service-name>
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>


minikube stop
minikube delete --all