
React Typescript with protected routes using Auth0

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Typescript Boilerplate

React library using the following

  • Typescript
  • React Scripts
  • Auth0
  • Prettier

Running Locally

  • Create a root .env file locally by using the .env.example file in the root directory as an example. Fill in needed variables with real values.
  • Run yarn and yarn dev to create a local instance, which should default to running on port 3000.
  • Verify that your local instance is ALIVE in a browser by accessing localhost:3000.


  • Login to https://auth0.com and setup your Auth0 account.
  • Update the .env file with the values from your Auth0 app.


  • Run yarn test to run all tests.


  • To format the codebase run yarn prettier
  • To check format for errors run yarn prettier:check


  • To lint the codebase run yarn lint