- Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61) or above
- Swift 4.2
- iOS Version 12.0 or above
- CocoaPods
- cocoapods-keys
- Twitter Consumer API Keys, and Consumer API Secret generated for your Approved Twitter App
- Google API Key and also enabled service for Natural Language
- Fetches Twitter timeline for given user screen name
- Uses Twitter API - https://developer.twitter.com
- Analyze the sentiment of the Tweets when taps on timeline
- Uses Google Natural Language API - https://cloud.google.com/natural-language
- Settings for fetching Twitter timeline
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
Another tool you might have to install is CocoaPod Keys. This CocoaPod plugin is used to securely store the secret keys and various other API keys within mac OS Keychain tool and separate it from the Source code and version control. You can read about it more in following Cocoapods-keys GitHub project page.
gem install cocoapods-keys
Following Keys have been defined within the Podfile:
plugin 'cocoapods-keys', {
:project => "TweetsFelt",
:keys => [
pod install
Then you should be prompt with following to enter the relevant keys and secrets for Twitter API and Google Natural Language API
CocoaPods-Keys has detected a keys mismatch for your setup.
What is the key for TwitterConsumerAPIKey
Saved TwitterConsumerAPIKey to TweetsFelt.
What is the key for TwitterConsumerAPISecret
Saved TwitterConsumerAPISecret to TweetsFelt.
What is the key for GoogleWebAPIKey
- **Until you enter these values you won't be able to install the CocoaPods and also project wont be built!**
- **Everytime you update the Podfile with adding sensitive keys as it's been done above, you would have to hit Pod install to get them integrated within your app.**
- Change the Team to your own Team
Specifics | Details |
Architecture - MVC | For this sort of a simple application, MVC is more than enough. |
Architecture - MVVM | Experiment is In-Progress! Check out the HLF_MVVM_Experiment Branch!!!There are several ways to implement this too. But, I would like to start from Protocol oriented manner than going for improved ways which use a lot of language features and extra libraries, as I need to understand how iOS can be worked out from Scratch. Await for updates and check the branch. I've been already using MVVM for Xamarin and it makes life more easier, I would try out iOS too, soon. |
Networking - Alamofire | Check following list of files: - Network\NetworkProtocol.swift - Network\NetworkClient.swift - Services\TwitterAPIService.swift - Services\GoogleNaturalLangAPIService.swift |
Models | All the models used for the app reside within this folder. Almost all the models which are consumed by the Network Services are extending Mappable class from ObjectMapper library. You can find more details about it by visiting ObjectMapper GitHub Project. |
Views | Storyboards and all the other Nib files are included within this folder |
Controllers | You can find them on its folder Controller |
App Preferences | Used a simple Singleton class to keep the NSUserDefaults managed. |
Authentication | For Twitter web API, to fetch the Twitter timeline for a given screen-name it uses Bearer Token. In order to get the Bearer Token we need two more needs which is identical for our Twitter App, which are Consumer API Key and the Secret Key. Then for Google Natural Language we need to have that service enabled in Google Cloud console and have a valid Google API Key. Non of these keys are stored within the project sourcecode. |
Tests | UnitTests - Full coverage for all the API calls TwitterAPIService and GoogleNaturalLangAPIService . UITests - I would love to write UI Tests (I already did while I was researching UI Tests for Xamarin.Forms using Xamarin.UITest and running them on AppCenter), but not enough time I could find for this project. |
- If you found anything wrong which I have done or may be a bug or any improvements suggestion, please help me to improve this codebase.
- You can always add up your valuable utility methods to this class which is related to the purpose of this library.
- Don't forget to check out the Demo project simple implementation to get some more ideas.
Copyright (c) 2018 Randika Vishman