My MicroPython projects for ESP8266 and ESP32
(usually adapting 3rd party H/W & drivers to work on these two MCUs.
A.) I2C_1602_LCD & I2C_2004_LCD:
- Modified Xioziyang's "" library to support multiple I2C_1602_LCD devices on a single MCU board
- Developed several example programs for ESP8266 and ESP32 to demonstrate how the "i2c_lcd" driver should be used.
- Modified my driver mentioned above to support 1 or 2 LCD devices be they 16x2 or 20x4. With an ESP32 can do 4 such displays.
- Added support for up to 8 custom characters. Now can do a real degrees symbol & more.
B.) ESP32 Datalogger:
- Version 2
- Version 3