
The unofficial Strauss Prime League Bot for sending push notifications via discord and telegram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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The unofficial Techniker Prime League Bot for sending push notifications via Discord and Telegram and API Provider of Techniker Prime League data.

The bot is not intended to be self-hosted! The server IP of the PrimeBot has been exclusively whitelisted by the Prime League.


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  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • Django (+ DRF) (python package)
  • discord.py (python package)
  • Telepot (python package)
  • python-telegram-bot (python package)
  • DjangoQ2 (python package)
  • MongoDB as Message-Broker
  • Memcached as Cache



  • Python 3.8+
  • PostgreSQL
  • virtualenv (pip package): pip install virtualenv
  1. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/random-rip/primebot_backend.git
  2. Go into cloned directory cd primebot_backend and checkout branch develop git checkout develop
  3. Create a virtual environment, for example virtualenv venv
  4. Activate created venv
    • Linux: source venv/Scripts/activate
    • Windows powershell: .\venv\Scripts\activate
  5. Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Create .env file from .env.example at the root folder and set variables according to your setup
    • Database connection
    • Optional: DISCORD_API_KEY from Discord Developerportal
    • Optional: DISCORD_APP_CLIENT_ID from Discord Developerportal
    • Optional: TELEGRAM_BOT_API_KEY from Telegram Botfather
    • Optional: FILES_FROM_STORAGE
    • Optional: LOGGING_DIR
    • Optional: FERNET_SECRET_KEY
    • Optional: SITE_ID
  7. Create a database according to your .env
  8. Apply migrations python manage.py migrate

For further information have a look at Contributing section at the end of the README.

Project structure

  • app_prime_league contains models, commands and model communications (for example register_team)
    • Model Match: Relevant information about a match
    • Model Player: Relevant information about a player (e.g. UserID, summoner_name)
    • Model Team: Relevant information about a team and registered communication platform(e.g. name, tag, picture, discord_channel_id, )
    • Model ScoutingWebsite: Holds all possible scouting websites (currently: op.gg, u.gg, xdx.gg, leagueofgraphs.com)
    • Model Suggestion: Suggestions of matches
    • Model Setting: settings of teams for notifications, language, etc.
    • Model Comment: comments on matches
  • bots contains all relevant Discord and Telegram scripts, Language files and the messages framework (MessageCreator and MessageDispatcher)
  • core contains the Prime League communication, parsing, comparing and updating
    • Module comparers: These classes take over the comparison between the database, TeamDataProcessor and TemporaryMatchData.
    • Module parsing (legacy): The classes take over the parsing of logs passed by the API
    • Module processors: The classes take over the interface between the data processing in python and the provider classes.
    • Module providers: The classes take over the communication with the filesystem, the Prime League API (and the differentiation between filesystem and API) and the JSON parsing.
    • Module updater: The classes take over updating matches and teams. In production, the updates take place in parallel.
    • Module api.py: The class provides a low level Prime League api
    • Module temporary_match_data.py: The class provides methods for converting the API data into Comparer -friendly data and takes care of the data enrichment of opposing teams to a match
  • storage holds the API data as JSON files for development

Manage.py Commands

  • python manage.py discord_bot - start Discordbot
  • python manage.py telegram_bot - start Telegrambot
  • python manage.py create_link - Generates a settings link for the first team of the database
  • python manage.py seed_scouting - Seed Scouting Websites: op.gg, u.gg and xdx.gg
  • python manage.py weekly_notifications - start weekly notifications

Update Commands

Depending on the phase of the split, the update commands update in some cases only teams, only registered teams or only the matches. See each command for more detailed information.

When the commands are executed in the cluster (--schedule):

Each update command tests for itself whether it has expired and should be replaced by the following update command.

  1. python manage.py updates_between_splits
  2. python manage.py updates_in_calibration_stage
  3. python manage.py updates_between_calibration_and_group_stage
  4. python manage.py updates_in_group_stage_and_playoffs - (After Expiring: the first update command replaces this one)


python manage.py test

Some tests refer to I18n and T10n and require compiled django.mo files. These must be created with python manage.py compilemessages. This requires the external program gettext:

After that python manage.py test can be executed.

Alternative to Prime League API

We have been working on a solution to reduce API requests in development from the very beginning. For this reason each response of an API request is stored locally in a JSON file. Due to IP whitelisting it is not possible that the API can be accessed for development. Under storage/ there are sample teams and matches. To use them, in the .env you have to add


After that the providers use the filesystem.

The files can have dependencies among each other (for example: in team_*.json there is a list of match_ids pointing to calibration matches or matches from the starter div). For this reason, teams cannot be arbitrarily selected from the storage completely (a team will still be registered incomplete).

Teams that can be fully registered from storage:


Feel free to implement new features and create pull requests. Also feel free to create tickets for new features or bugs even if you cannot implement or fix them. Also, it is not only about programming! We need feedback for features from teams. Don't hesitate to start a discussion below feature requests.

If you create a pull request, make sure that

  • you create one from branch develop and
  • python manage.py test does not fail.


Join us on Discord if you have questions. :)




This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.