Monorepo for the energyleaf project.
You will need to use pnpm as packagemanager: download here.
Install dependencies:
pnpm install
To ensure no secrets are leaked, all sensitive variables are stored in an .env file. To start the project you need to rename the .env.sample file to .env
Ask a team member to get the information needed.
Run the project in development mode:
pnpm dev
To build the project:
pnpm build
To use the database and make changes to the schema. You need to install the pscale cli: download here
First you need to create a branche in planetscale. Then connect to that branche via the pscale cli.
pscale connect energyleaf <branch_name> --port 3309
after you are connected push your changes to the database
pnpm db:push
you then can create a deploy request either via cli or the dashboard at planetscale
Via the studio you can see the and browse the data currently in the database
pnpm db:studio