
Adds previews to SMWC

Primary LanguagePython

SMWC Preview

Adds preview support to SMWC.

Also read README_user.txt, that is the readme included in the generated ZIP.

How it works

There are two main modes of installation: normal install and userscript install. Normal installation installs a Chrome extension that sends a native message when the user clicks "Preview" and a native messaging host that then previews the content. Userscript installation works by regsitering a protocol handler to show previews and a userscript to add a "Preview" link that links to the protocol. The URI format is documented in uri_handler/uri_format.txt and is very strictly verified.

Platform support

Normal Userscript
Chrome Yes Yes
Other browsers No Yes
Windows Yes [1] Yes
Mac OS X Maybe No
Linux Yes Yes

[1] The extension needs to be loaded as an unpacked extension, which shows an annoying pop-up every time you start chrome.

Project Structure

  • chrome_ext contains the source code of the Chrome extension when installing in normal mode.
  • native_messaging_host contains files related to the native messaging part of the normal mode install.
  • python_code contains code shared by both the userscript install and normal install.
  • uri_handler contains files related to the URI handler when using the userscript install.