The Project

This repository contains both the backend and frontend for the daelibs interview project.

This project uses an sqlite3 database which is included in the repo (so you don't have to run migrate).

Backend Overview

The code is in two main parts:

  1. The daelibs_interview project, which configures and runs the Django server.
  2. The main app, which contains the traffic API.

Getting it running:

  • Ensure Python 3.10 or higher
  • Create Python virtualenv and install requirements from requirements.txt
  • Start your local server

1. Ensure Python 3.10 or higher is installed

Latest version can be downloaded from:

Ensure it is added to your path.

2. Create virtualenv and install dependencies

To create a virtualenv,

python -m venv daelibs-interview

This will create a folder call 'daelibs-interview', then you will need to activate the environment.

On Windows, run:


On Unix or MacOS, run:

source daelibs-interview/bin/activate

The virtual environment will be activated and you’ll see "daelibs-interview" next to the command prompt to designate that

Once done, you should cd to the dummy project root directory and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Testing

The main app contains a test suite that can be run using the Django test runner.

There is a script that sets up the test environment and runs the tests:


You may need to make the script executable by running:

chmod +x

If you prefer to run the tests via the Django test runner, you can do so by running:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=daelibs_interview.settings.test; python test

3. Start your local server

You should now be able to run the local server:

python runserver

4. Query the API

Once the server is running, you can query the API by visiting:


If you enter an invalid date, you will receive a 400 response with a message indicating the error. For example, if your end date is prior to the start date:


Frontend Overview

The frontend is built with Vue 3. It is a single page that displays the ScoreList component. This component is a table that displays the scores of the users, based on the design from the Figma project. The scores are fetched from the backend, which is just hard-coded in this example.

1. Project setup

Install Node and npm if you haven't already. You can download them from:

Then, move into the frontend directory and install the dependencies:

cd daelibs-frontend
npm install

2. Compile and hot-reload for development

npm run serve

3. Access the frontend

Once the server is running, you can access the frontend at http://localhost:8080/.