
Generic Geonode-project based app, to be used with docker/rancher

Primary LanguagePython


GeoNode "materialized" project for vanilla GeoNode deployments.

Setup with Rancher 1.6

Currently this repository supports setup through Rancher 1.6. The catalog template is publicly available at https://store.docker.com/community/images/geosolutionsit/geonode-generic. You can load the template from Rancher UI or Rancher CLI and set the questions / variables defined in the Rancher compose file.

A standalone docker-compose will be reintroduced later.


Since this application uses geonode, base source of settings is geonode.settings module. It provides defaults for many items, which are used by geonode. This application has own settings module, geonode_generic.settings, which includes geonode.settings. It customizes few elements:
  • static/media files locations - they will be collected and stored along with this application files by default. This is useful during development.
  • Adds geonode_generic to installed applications, updates templates, staticfiles dirs, sets urlconf to geonode_generic.urls.
Whether you deploy development or production environment, you should create additional settings file. Convention is to make geonode_generic.local_settings module. It is recommended to use geonode_generic/local_settings.py.. That file contains small subset of settings for edition. It should:
  • not be versioned along with application (because changes you make for your private deployment may become public),
  • have customized at least``DATABASES``, SECRET_KEY and SITEURL.

You can add more settings there, note however, some settings (notably DEBUG_STATIC, EMAIL_ENABLE, *_ROOT, and few others) can be used by other settings, or as condition values, which change other settings. For example, EMAIL_ENABLE defined in geonode.settings enables whole email handling block, so if you disable it in your local_settings, derived settings will be preserved. You should carefully check if additional settings you change don't trigger other settings.

To ilustrate whole concept of chanied settings:

|  GeoNode configuration |             |   Your application default    |             |  (optionally) Your deployment(s) |
|                        |             |        configuration          |             |                                  |
|                        | included by |                               | included by |                                  |
|   geonode.settings     |     ->      |  geonode_generic.settings    |      ->     |  geonode_generic.local_settings |