
A simple static-rendering blog generator which connects directly to a contentapi instance

Primary LanguageJavaScript


All functionality here is now contained within contentapi by default. This was done to reduce memory usage on the machine (and it did). If you want to generate blogs using contentapi, please setup the generator through appsettings.json


A simple static-rendering blog generator which connects directly to a contentapi instance

How to configure pages

  • Create a parent page which will house your blog
    • set "share"=true in the values
    • set "share_styles"=["hash1","hash1"] to add custom styles to your page (not required). Must use the page hash, the page can exist anywhere
    • set meta theme color (tab color) with "share_theme_color"="#FEDEFF" etc (not required)
    • set favicon with "share_favicon"="https://full/path/to/favicon" (not required). No resizing is done: please use small file or add resize parameters to raw file. Must be png
    • The link to your blog is the hash of the parent page. You can set hashes on page create
    • The title of your blog is the name of the parent page, which you can change at any time
  • All child pages that are resource types are automatically part of your blog (set literalType="resource")
    • Child pages are at /parent-hash/child-hash, again you can set hashes only on page create
  • Child pages must be of literalType="resource" to identify them as a page in the blog. All other types are ignored


  • The description on content becomes the meta description, used by crawlers. Set description on any page, including children
  • The keywords on content becomes the meta keywords. Again, all pages, including children
  • The original author and create date for each page are used anywhere it is displayed. The edit user and date is not considered