There is Combojack with few workarounds for Matebook 13 2019 (alc 256) Hackintosh combojack support for alc256/alc255. 1. Delete CodecCommander.kext,put ComboJack_Installer/VerbStub.kext in Clover/kexts/Other 2. Run ComboJack_Installer/ in terminal and reboot 3. Done. When you attach a headphone there will be a popup asking about headphone type. 黑苹果上alc256/alc255的耳麦支持 在xps 13 9350/9360(alc256)和小米Air(i5-7200U, alc255)上测试可用 1. 删除 CodecCommander.kext,把ComboJack_Installer文件夹的VerbStub.kext放进Clover/kexts/Other 2. 终端运行 ComboJack_Installer/,重启 3. 插入耳机的时候,会弹出对话框询问你插入的是耳机还是耳塞