Org-marginalia-posframe lets you preview the margin notes (Org-marginalia) under point.
(add-to-list 'load-path "<org-marginalia-posframe>")
(require 'org-marginalia-posframe)
Set up your
path, for example:
(setq om/notes-file-path "~/Documents/")
(define-key org-marginalia-mode-map (kbd "C-M-}") #'org-marginalia-next-preview)
(define-key org-marginalia-mode-map (kbd "C-M-{") #'org-marginalia-prev-preview)
M-x org-marginalia-show-posframe
M-x org-marginalia-next-preview
M-x org-marginalia-prev-preview
By clicking the link within the posframe, the window will change to the note location.
Now, it will open another buffer to edit the note. It would be nicer to edit the note closer to the content.