
An ANSI color library for Lua

Primary LanguageLua

Color.lua - ANSI control library for Lua

A super-simple way to make colored text output in Lua. To use, simply print out things from this module, then print out some text.


print(color.bg.green .. color.fg.RED .. "This is bright red on green")

print(color.invert .. "This is inverted..." .. color.reset .. " And this isn't.")

print(color.fg(0xDE) .. color.bg(0xEE) ..
    "You can use xterm-256 colors too!" ..

print("And also " .. color.bold .. "BOLD" .. color.normal .. " if you want.")

print(color.bold .. color.fg.BLUE .. color.bg.blue ..
    "Miss your " .. color.fg.RED .. "C-64" ..
    color.fg.BLUE .. "?" .. color.reset)

You can see all these examples in action by calling color.test()

Can't pick a good color scheme? Look at a handy chart:



I figured out most of how to write this from the excellent Wikipedia page on ANSI control codes. If you want to extend it, that would be a good place to start. And send me a pull request!


This doesn't work on Windows at all, and it would be a really nontrivial effort to port it.


Copyright 2012 by Ross Andrews, released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.