
This application showcases an issue where Busboy does not reliably parse a file from FormData().

Primary LanguageHTML

Busboy does not reliably parse file from FormData

This application showcases an issue where Busboy does not reliably parse a file from FormData(). This is especially true as the file size grows larger - meaning that there is an increased probability that the issue occurs when dealing with larger files. Therefore, I have attached a couple of files of varying size in the files folder. These files can be sent to the server through the front-end application. Note that the back-end server must be started before a file can be submitted.

Available files

Name Size Comment
Boards of Canada - Olson 4.42MB Works most of the time
Boards of Canada - Kid For Today 38.1MB Fails most of the time

Install the required dependencies

Navigate to the backend folder and run npm install to install the required dependencies

Start the server

Navigate to the backend folder and run npm start