Created a recipe website API with HTML, CSS, and JS using Spoonacular's Recipe API. Media queries were also incorporated to make website mobile-friendly.



Homepage - top chongskitchen-homepage-top

Homepage - bottom chongsktichen-homepage-bottom-1

Features introduction to the website and top recipes. Users are able to click on the recipe image or name to be redirected to each individual recipe's page.

Recipes Page - top chongskitchen-recipepage-top

Recipe Page - bottom chongskitchen-recipepage-bottom

Features a recipe search feature that takes in keywords and creates recipe cards that will direct users to each individual recipe page.

Chefs Page - top chongskitchen-chefspage-top

Chefs Page - bottom chongskitchen-chefspage-bottom

Features the chefs of Chong's Kitchen and their most popular recipes which can be accessed by clicking on the recipe image or name.

Contacts Page - top chongskitchen-contactpage-top

Contacts Page - bottom chongskitchen-contactpage-bottom-1

Features a contact page for users to reach out to Chong's Kitchen.