
This is an project to showcase building a REST API with spring

You can build with maven or gradle within IntelliJ by using the pom.xml or by using the standard maven commands:

mvn clean package

This runs the tests and builds the jar file in target/rest-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Then the container (api, mariadb) can be built with docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d --b

Note that the Dockerfile targets the *.jar file built in the target/ directory to build the image.

The API can be called at localhost:8080/api/v1/deliveries



GET / - Returns a default message

GET /api/v1/deliveries - returns all deliveries

POST /api/v1/deliveries creates a delivery with a JSON body with name and address fields

GET /api/v1/deliveries/{id} - returns a delivery by ID

POST /api/v1/deliveries/{id} - updates an existing delivery with that ID

DELETE /api/v1/deliveries/{id} - deletes a delivery by ID