
Hacker news project, create news links and vote them up! Similar to reddit

Primary LanguageRuby


authored by Diego Avalon and Randy Leighton

This is a Ruby rails project created to create a news link upvoting service similar to a reddit.

To run this locally: $ git clone <repo name> $ rake db:create $ rake db:migrate $ rails server Web Browser Address => localhost:3000/

  • Created in Ruby 2.0.0, Rails 4.1.5

  • Utilizes Bundle gem to manage gem dependencies

  • Database utilized: PostgreSQL

  • Database names: hacker_news_development, hacker_news_test

  • Testing utilizes Rails helper, rspec 3.0.4, and rspec-rails 3.0.2 (if gem versions are lower than these try to use “bundle update”)