
Create recipes and tag ingredients, many to many, styling/fe work on this one looks nice!

Primary LanguageRuby


authored by Randy Leighton and Jeremy Whitaker

This is a Ruby rails project created to manage recipes. This uses a many to many relationship with tables recipes and tags.

To run this locally: $ git clone github.com/randyleighton/recipes-d2-rails.git $ rake db:create $ rake db:migrate $ rails server Web Browser Address => localhost:3000/

  • Created in Ruby 2.0.0, Rails 4.1.5

  • Utilizes Bundle gem to manage gem dependencies

  • Database utilized: PostgreSQL

  • Database names: recipes_development, recipes_test

  • Testing utilizes Rails helper, rspec 3.0.4, and rspec-rails 3.0.2 (if gem versions are lower than these try to use “bundle update”)

There are many criteria this project will focus on:

  • Routes are created to utilize RESTful format.

  • There is a route for the homepage.

  • Render and redirecting are being utilized in the controller with flash messages.

  • Application logic in the models, and controllers do as little work as possible.

  • Parameters are utilizing the better parameters nesting format. The movie controller is using the params format.

  • Forms display errors correctly, including partials.

  • Flash message is in place for new record creation, record updating, and deleting. These use bootstrap in the application.html.erb to utilize alerts.

  • Reused code for error checking and forms is refactored into partials.

  • App utilizes the asset pipeline for CSS. Bootstrap is setup and configured to run. The app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss file is renamed and contains css.

table “recipes”

t.string "name"
t.string "description"

table “recipes_tags”

t.integer "recipe_id"
t.integer "tag_id"

table “tags”

t.string   "name"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"