
This was a fun project learning Rails. Species and sightings!

Primary LanguageRuby

Wikipages Project

Ruby on Rails project completed by Randy Leighton and Tanner Steward.

This project starts out creating one model for species with 7 restful actions. The second model is then added in for animal sightings, including 5 RESTful actions.

Date 8/26/2014

Species - Index, New, Create, Show, Edit, Update, Destroy actions complete.
Sightings - New and create complete.

  • This project uses the bundle gem to manage dependencies.

  • This was completed on ruby v2.0, rails 4.1.5

  • Database utilized: PostgreSQL

  • Database names: animal_tracker_development, animal_tracker_test

  • Testing utilizes rails helper and rspec 3.0