A website for Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. The technology stack is using laravel, bootstrap and MySQL.
- Use only english for naming variable or a function
- The file that could be changed is in resources/pages or resources/admin
- All CSS files and image files is put into public folder
- The name of CSS files is following with the name of the files
- When link to css or image files use {{asset(folder_name/file_name)}} this is placeholder for /public
- Commit is only for one goal, and use the format like "[your_name] your_message"
- Do your task
- When done add your task to staged changes
git add .
- Commit your task
git commit -am "[your_name] your_message"
A. First Use
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Akbarsn/hmpdfkub.git
- Install dependecy
composer install
npm i
- Make an .env file by copying .env.example
- Generate key
php artisan key:generate
- Create database and set it environment in .env file
- Run the migration
php artisan migrate
- Run the application
php artisan serve
B. When there is change in origin master When there is conflict just ask for it Pull the repo again
git pull https://github.com/Akbarsn/hmpdfkub.git