Nutrifacts Backend

Node.js npm

Welcome to Nutrifacts, where scanning a barcode is the easiest step to a healthier you

This repository is the Capstone Project in Bangkit Academy 2023. This application aims to run from the Backend side of the Nutrifacts application.

Our Team

Name Bangkit-ID Path
Dzaky Adla Hikmatiyar A004BSY2088 Mobile Development
Rangga Saputra C171BSY3346 Cloud Computing
Ahmad Ryan Al Aqsha C208BSY4225 Cloud Computing
Mohamad Vikry Athari M004BSY1465 Machine Learning
Riefky Ichsan Baihaqi M010BSY1309 Machine Learning
Guntur Awaludin Saptadi M200BSY1914 Machine Learning


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Move to the project directory:

    cd nutrifacts-be
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install


  1. Make sure the configuration on the database in the connection.js file is as needed

  2. Run the application:

    npm run start
  3. Open the application in a browser:

  4. You can also run the app in Postman:

  5. Because this project uses Json Web Tokens to authenticate security, in order to access all existing routes, you must first log in to get a Token. in Postman do the following :

  • Signup by accessing the route http://localhost:3000/user/signup with the POST method if you do not have an account to log in. Signup
  • After successful signup, login to generate an access token to the route http://localhost:3000/user/login with the POST method. login
  • After successfully logging in, the authentication token will be generated, you can use the token in the header section for authorization, in order to access all existing routes. success
  1. You can now access the routes available on our Nutrifacts backend. to see what routes are available please open the routes folder



We have also deployed this Backend project on the Google cloud, using the APP Engine service and can be accessed at

