Workshop for PhoneGap Days Amsterdam

Running the App

  • Have ionic CLI installed
  • Have cordova CLI installed
git clone
npm install
ionic emulate

View Slides Online



THis repo has a number of branches showing each of the breakpoints that follow along with the slides.

  1. Final - all changes in
  2. config-cordova - Initial cordova config of your Ionic app
  3. settings-tab - Starting of a settings tab where we will be doing most of the work
  4. status - Seeing if our build is upto date
  5. deployment - changes and checking deployments
  6. local-info - getting local package information
  7. change-sync-button - minor update to the sync button
  8. sync-status - exploring the callback in the codepush.sync function
  9. download-detail - displaying details / status of the download

Code Snippit Gist

If starting from a blank slate / fresh ionic application, you can follow the code snippits in the gist below to build out the application while following the slides.
