
windows 程序启动器 windows program launcher

Primary LanguagePython

image image


通过种子启动器, 启动种子, 种子长成大树


pip install -r requirements.txt
  • 启动 python main.py, 或是为launch.bat创建快捷方式, 执行快捷方式启动
  • 开机启动 可以把launch.bat创建快捷方式后, 将快捷方式放到 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


  • 安装依赖 pip install -r requirements.txt
  • 将快捷方式放入项目下lnk文件夹, lnk文件夹内也可以建立文件夹, 文件夹支持嵌套
  • 在lnk文件夹内, quick 文件夹内的快捷方式会在菜单的第一级显示
  • 快捷键控制,快捷键是全局的,任意程序内按快捷键都可以弹出菜单窗口, 菜单会弹出在鼠标当前的位置
    • alt+z 显示菜单
    • esc 键隐藏菜单

Seed Launcher

With seed starter, start seed, seed grow into towering tree


pip install -r requirements.txt
  • startup. You can create a shortcut for the launch.bat, put the shortcut into C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


  • Install dependencies

  • Put the shortcut into the lnk folder under the project, you can also create a folder in the lnk folder, and the folder supports nesting

  • In the lnk folder, the shortcuts in the quick folder will be displayed on the first level of the menu

  • Keyboard shortcut, The shortcut keys are global. Press the shortcut keys in any program to pop up the menu window. The menu will pop up at the current mouse position

    • alt+z show menu
    • esc hide menu