ALX Backend JavaScript

This repository contains a series of projects and tasks completed as part of the ALX Backend JavaScript curriculum. The curriculum focuses on enhancing backend development skills using JavaScript and covers various key concepts such as ES6, Node.js, asynchronous programming, testing, and more.

Table of Contents


The directory includes the following projects:

  1. 0x00. ES6 Basics

    • Learn the basics of ES6, including variable declarations, arrow functions, template literals, and more.
  2. 0x01. ES6 Promises

    • Understand how to work with Promises, including chaining, error handling, and the async/await syntax.
  3. 0x02. Async Programming

    • Dive into asynchronous programming using callbacks, Promises, and async/await.
  4. 0x03. ES6 Classes

    • Learn about ES6 classes, inheritance, and static methods.
  5. 0x04. NodeJS Basics

    • Get familiar with the fundamentals of Node.js, including modules, file system operations, and basic server creation.
  6. 0x05. ExpressJS

    • Introduction to Express.js, including routing, middleware, and building simple APIs.
  7. 0x06. Unittests in JS

    • Learn about testing in JavaScript using Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.
  8. 0x07. API Testing with Postman

    • Practice testing APIs using Postman and write tests for various endpoints.
  9. 0x08. Pagination and Caching

    • Implement pagination and caching strategies in Node.js applications.
  10. 0x09. Redis, Queue, and Background Jobs

  • Learn how to use Redis for caching, set up message queues, and handle background jobs.

Getting Started

To get started with these projects, you can clone the repository and explore each directory. Each project folder contains its own file with specific instructions and tasks.


Make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version 12 or higher)
  • npm or yarn (for package management)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to a specific project directory:

    cd alx-backend-javascript/0x00-ES6_basic
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    npm install


To run a project, navigate to the corresponding folder and execute the JavaScript files using Node.js:

node filename.js

Some projects may have unit tests that can be run with:

npm test