
a slightly lightweight version of the original sails-oradb

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Oracle Database Sails/Waterline Adapter

npm version Dependency Status

A Waterline adapter for Oracle Database that uses the Official Node Oracle Driver (v1.3.0) mantained by Oracle Corp. It may be used in Sails web applications or any another Node.js project using Waterline as ORM.

What can be done?

sails-oradb is an ORM adapter for waterline that works on both Windows and Linux systems.

  • Allows to perform CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations using model IDs.
  • Can run custom queries with the adapter's .query() method.
  • Compatible with Sails' migration: alter mode. More information at Sails.js documentation.

Some features we are still working on:

  • Allow to select a primary key different from id with autoPK: true.
  • Perform update requests without having to use id inside the where clause.
  • Provida a .count() method to retrieve the total number of objects inside a model.
  • On migrate: alter mode, implement the creation of triggers and sequences for autoincremental attributes. It has to be manually created yet.
  • On migrate: alter mode, automatically allow the individual addition and deletion of table columns.
  • On migrate: alter mode, implement a .createEach() method.

How to install

oracledb driver module is the main dependency of sails-oradb, so before installing it, you MUST read How to Install oracledb.

Installation is performed via NPM as follows:

$ npm install sails-oradb

Configuration parameters

The following configuration options are available along with their default values:

config: {
    adapter: 'sails-oradb',
    connectString: 'host:port/databaseName',
    user: 'user',
    password: 'password'

About Waterline

Waterline is a new kind of storage and retrieval engine. It provides a uniform API for accessing stuff from different kinds of databases, protocols, and 3rd party APIs. That means you write the same code to get users, whether they live in mySQL, LDAP, MongoDB, or Facebook.

To learn more visit the project on GitHub at Waterline.