
Entity Privilege Copy Tool is an plugin for XrmToolBox. You can use this plugin to copy some entity privilege level from one entity to others base on security roles.

Usage example

Preparation: A solution contains the security role that you want to change. Please make sure you have backuped the solution.


    1. Click Load Data to load the metadata, wait until the "Load end." output show in Log.
    1. Select Source Entity, you can input the entity display name to filter list.
    1. Select Target Entity(s), you can select one or many entity you want, the input box is used to filter the list entities.
    1. Select Security Role Solution.
    1. Select Copy Privilege Type, the unselected type will be ignore during copy.
    1. Click Execute to do the copy. Also if you want to see the change first, you can click Preview and see the log output.

Release History

  • 0.2.0
    • add a filter for target entity
    • add a security type filter
    • add log output
  • 0.1.0
    • The first proper release


Ray Gan – ganzhiyi1994@gmail.com

Known Issue

Export solution button is in developing, can not work for now.


Add a process bar during action. Cache metadata for better perfomance.


I am re-writting this plugin becasue the code is mess, so you can consider wait for the new release code.