Hi, I am Junaid 👋

I am a CSE sophomore at KIIT University

I started programming in high school, now I am trying to make a career out of my hobby. I love the world of backend and systems development. I know my fair share of languages, JS and Python are the one's I use the most, trying to do more of C++. Big time Linux fanboy 😅.

What I am up to right now 👨‍💻

  • I am writing and recording some fun youtube tutorials on the C programming language @DSCKIIT. You can find them here

  • I am working as a web developer for Desire Foundation, currently working on their blog infrastructure. It's mostly TypeScript, GatsbyJS, Express and SQL.

What I am currently learning 😁

I am trying to get better at the whole domain of deep learning. Math and computers have always fascinated me, I have some experience with ML and I am just trying to learn more.

Currently doing the Deep Learning Specialisation course by Andrew Ng and alongside that I am reading Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow. I am also trying to get better at Vim, because why not.

☕ Get in touch