
A .NET Standard client for the COVID-19 API

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A .NET Standard client for the COVID-19 API


Installation is available in NuGet


Starting the client

// Note - Case status can be - confirmed, recovered, deaths
CaseService caseService = new CaseService();
IEnumerable<CoronaCase> cases = caseService.GetDayOneCasesByCountry("india");

// day one cases by country with status
cases = caseService.GetDayOneCasesByCountry(country, "deaths");

// day one total confirmed cases by country
cases = caseService.GetDayOneTotalConfirmedCasesByCountry(country);

// day one live cases by country
cases = caseService.GetDayOneLiveCasesByCountry(country);

// day one total all status cases by country
cases = caseService.GetDayOneTotalAllStatusCasesByCountry(country);

// Day one live cases by country
cases = caseService.GetDayOneLiveCasesByCountry(country);

// Day one total cases all status
cases = caseService.GetDayOneTotalAllStatusCasesByCountry(country);

// total confirmed cases by country
cases = caseService.GetDayOneTotalConfirmedCasesByCountry(country);

// live confirmed cases by country
cases = caseService.GetLiveConfirmedCasesByCountry(country,

// total cases all status by country
cases = caseService.GetTotalCasesAllStatusByCountry(country);

// total live cases after date
cases = caseService.GetLiveByCountryAndStatusAfterDate(country,

// live by country 
cases = caseService.GetLiveByCountryAndAllStatus(country);

// world total wip cases
var worldWIPCases = caseService.GetWorldTotalWIPCases();

Get the list of countries

CountryService countryService = new CountryService();
var countries = countryService.GetCountries();

Get COVID Stats

StatisticsService statisticsService = new StatisticsService();
var stats = statisticsService.GetStatistics();

Get COVID Summary

SummaryService summaryService = new SummaryService();
var summary = summaryService.GetGlobalSummary();