
bitcoin wallet package for creating and generating wallet, transferring BTC, getting wallet unspent transactions(UTXOs), getting wallet txIs , getting wallet balance and crawling blocks to find wallet transactions

Primary LanguageGo


bitcoin wallet package for creating and generating wallet, transferring BTC, getting wallet unspent transactions(UTXOs), getting wallet txIs , getting wallet balance and crawling blocks to find wallet transactions


go get github.com/ranjbar-dev/bitcoin-wallet@v1.0.16

Supported nodes

check enums/nodes file

Wallet methods

Generating bitcoin wallet

w := GenerateBitcoinWallet(node)
w.Address // strnig 
w.PrivateKey // strnig 
w.PublicKey // strnig 

Creating bitcoin wallet from private key

w := CreateBitcoinnWallet(node,privateKeyHex)
w.Address // strnig 
w.PrivateKey // strnig 
w.PublicKey // strnig 

Getting wallet bitcoin balance

balanceInSatoshi,err := w.Balance()
balanceInSatoshi // int64

Getting wallet UTXOs

utxos,err := w.UTXOs()
utxos // []response.UTXO

Getting wallet transactions

txs,err := w.Txs()
txs // []response.Transaction

crawl blocks for addresses transactions

c := &Crawler{
		Node: node, 
		Addresses: []string{
			"tb1qppv790u4dz48ctnk3p7ss7fmspckagp3wrfyp0", // list of your addresses
res, err := c.ScanBlocks(40) // scan latest 40 block on block chain and extract addressess transactions 

// *
        "address": "tb1qppv790u4dz48ctnk3p7ss7fmspckagp3wrfyp0",
        "tranasctions": {
                "tx_id": "e6160c52401949139688623ce33a6290eed43d8d564d6e16c38006c4dc28f4a8",
                "from_address": "tb1qppv790u4dz48ctnk3p7ss7fmspckagp3wrfyp0",
                "to_address": "tb1q0r23g66m9rhhak8aahsg53wfp5egt2huuc4tnu",
                "amount": 100000,
                "confirmations": 2,
* // 

Estimate transfer btc fee

feeInSatoshi,err := w.EstimateTransferFee("tb1q0r23g66m9rhhak8aahsg53wfp5egt2huuc4tnu",10000)
feeInSatoshi // int64

Transfer btc

txId,err := w.Transfer("tb1q0r23g66m9rhhak8aahsg53wfp5egt2huuc4tnu",10000)
txId // string

BTC Faucet

check this website https://coinfaucet.eu/en/btc-testnet


sign up and create free account at https://blockdaemon.com and use your own node

config = ConfigBlockDaemon{
		Protocol: "bitcoin",
		Network:  "mainnet",
		Token:    "your token here",
node := Node{
		Config: config,
		Test:   false, // or true if you want to use testnet network


I simplified this repository github.com/btcsuite/btcd repository to create this package You can check go it for better examples and functionalities and do not use this package in production, I created this package for education purposes, and thanks to eltNEG really helped me to build this package


Address bc1qucq0um7xnxy65ra5a2xa20lvwqru8uzdl9ygaq