ethereum wallet package for creating and generating wallet, transferring ETH, getting wallet balance and crawling blocks to find wallet transactions
go get
test for Crawler
, EthereumWallet
and Token
located at /test
go test ./test
using infura nodes in this repository register at infura and get your http and ws node on mainnet, goerli or sepolia network and set it here
node := ethereumWallet.Node{
Http: "",
Ws: "wss://",
- generating ethereum wallet
w := GenerateEthereumWallet(node)
w.Address // strnig
w.PrivateKey // strnig
w.PublicKey // strnig
- creating ethereum wallet from private key
w := CreateEthereumWallet(node,privateKeyHex)
w.Address // strnig
w.PrivateKey // strnig
w.PublicKey // strnig
- getting wallet ETH balance
balanceInWei,err := w.Balance()
balanceInWei // int64
- getting wallet ERC20 balance
balanceInTokenSubAmount,err := w.BalanceERC20(token)
balanceInTokenSubAmount // int64
- crawl blocks for addresses transactions
c := &Crawler{
Node: node,
Addresses: []string{
"0x5A2187B6d76a09F649CDC5d69F182697cFBA126B", // list of your addresses
res, err := c.ScanBlocks(40) // scan latest 40 block on block chain and extract addressess transactions
// *
"address": "TY3PJu3VY8xVUc5BjYwJtyRgP7TfivV666",
"tranasctions": {
"tx_id": "0xa1d76647e2c9ff4ceeda382137e7af9bb2879fce96cfc743d7138a8d54e532db",
"from_address": "0x5a2187b6d76a09f649cdc5d69f182697cfba126b",
"to_address": "0x75c07e7207bb00cf60c77f2506d7ce2b8d18bf0f",
"amount": "21000000000",
"confirmations": 2,
* //
Estimate transfer eth fee
feeInWei,err := w.EstimateTransferFee("tb1q0r23g66m9rhhak8aahsg53wfp5egt2huuc4tnu")
feeInWei // int64
Estimate transfer erc20 fee
feeInWei,err := w.EstimateTransferERC20Fee(token)
feeInWei // int64
- transfer ETH from wallet
txId, err := w.Transfer(toAddressHex, amount)
txId // string
- transfer ERC20 from wallet
txId, err := w.TransferERC20(token, toAddressHex, amount)
txId // string
- declaring token
token := ðereumWallet.Token{
ContractAddress: enums.GOERLI_USDC
- Getting token name
token.GetName(w.Node, w.AddressHex) // return string,error
- Getting token symbol
token.GetSymbol(w.Node, w.AddressHex) // return string,error
- Getting token decimals
token.GetDecimals(w.Node, w.AddressHex) // return int64,error
I simplified this repository to create this package
You can check go it for better examples and functionalities
check enums/contracts file alternatively you can create your own contract
contractAddress := enums.CreateContractAddress("0x509Ee0d083DdF8AC028f2a56731412edD63223B9")
check this link
check this link
I simplified this repository repository to create this package You can check go it for better examples and functionalities and do not use this package in production, I created this package for education purposes.
Address 0xe342C7ff6a91dF208Fb4bE6Eca02e19D624188C1