
ethereum wallet package for creating and generating wallet, transferring ETH, getting wallet balance and crawling blocks to find wallet transactions

Primary LanguageGo


ethereum wallet package for creating and generating wallet, transferring ETH, getting wallet balance and crawling blocks to find wallet transactions


go get github.com/ranjbar-dev/ethereum-wallet@v1.0.6


test for Crawler, EthereumWallet and Token located at /test

go test ./test


using infura nodes in this repository register at infura and get your http and ws node on mainnet, goerli or sepolia network and set it here

node := ethereumWallet.Node{
		Http: "https://goerli.infura.io/v3/89aae5ec52f9450ebe4fc58cbb8138fd",
		Ws:   "wss://goerli.infura.io/ws/v3/89aae5ec52f9450ebe4fc58cbb8138fd",

Wallet methods

  • generating ethereum wallet
w := GenerateEthereumWallet(node)
w.Address // strnig 
w.PrivateKey // strnig 
w.PublicKey // strnig 
  • creating ethereum wallet from private key
w := CreateEthereumWallet(node,privateKeyHex)
w.Address // strnig 
w.PrivateKey // strnig 
w.PublicKey // strnig 
  • getting wallet ETH balance
balanceInWei,err := w.Balance()
balanceInWei // int64 
  • getting wallet ERC20 balance
balanceInTokenSubAmount,err := w.BalanceERC20(token)
balanceInTokenSubAmount // int64 
  • crawl blocks for addresses transactions

c := &Crawler{
		Node: node, 
		Addresses: []string{
			"0x5A2187B6d76a09F649CDC5d69F182697cFBA126B", // list of your addresses
res, err := c.ScanBlocks(40) // scan latest 40 block on block chain and extract addressess transactions 

// *
        "address": "TY3PJu3VY8xVUc5BjYwJtyRgP7TfivV666",
        "tranasctions": {
                "tx_id": "0xa1d76647e2c9ff4ceeda382137e7af9bb2879fce96cfc743d7138a8d54e532db",
                "from_address": "0x5a2187b6d76a09f649cdc5d69f182697cfba126b",
                "to_address": "0x75c07e7207bb00cf60c77f2506d7ce2b8d18bf0f",
                "amount": "21000000000",
                "confirmations": 2,
* // 

Estimate transfer eth fee

feeInWei,err := w.EstimateTransferFee("tb1q0r23g66m9rhhak8aahsg53wfp5egt2huuc4tnu")
feeInWei // int64

Estimate transfer erc20 fee

feeInWei,err := w.EstimateTransferERC20Fee(token)
feeInWei // int64
  • transfer ETH from wallet
txId, err := w.Transfer(toAddressHex, amount)
txId // string 
  • transfer ERC20 from wallet
txId, err := w.TransferERC20(token, toAddressHex, amount)
txId // string 

Token methods

  • declaring token
token := &ethereumWallet.Token{
    ContractAddress: enums.GOERLI_USDC
  • Getting token name
token.GetName(w.Node, w.AddressHex) // return string,error
  • Getting token symbol
token.GetSymbol(w.Node, w.AddressHex) // return string,error
  • Getting token decimals
token.GetDecimals(w.Node, w.AddressHex) // return int64,error
I simplified this repository github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum to create this package
You can check go it for better examples and functionalities

Supported contracts

check enums/contracts file alternatively you can create your own contract

contractAddress := enums.CreateContractAddress("0x509Ee0d083DdF8AC028f2a56731412edD63223B9")

ETH goerli Faucet

check this link https://goerlifaucet.com

USDC goerli Faucet

check this link https://usdcfaucet.com/


I simplified this repository github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum repository to create this package You can check go it for better examples and functionalities and do not use this package in production, I created this package for education purposes.


Address 0xe342C7ff6a91dF208Fb4bE6Eca02e19D624188C1